The Love of God, who is Trinitarian, is a central theme in Christianity. The Bible verse John 3:16-18 encapsulates this love, stating that God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son to offer eternal life to those who believe in Him. Pope Francis echoes this message in his letter to the youth, saying:
“The very first truth I would tell each of you is this: ‘God loves you.’ It makes no difference whether you have already heard it or not. I want to remind you of it. God loves you. Never doubt this, whatever may happen to you in life. At every moment, you are infinitely loved” (Christus Vivit – No. 112).
The love of God does not take away our own freedom, but his love completes and fulfills us in our longing for true happiness. We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:8-19). St. Paul also wrote, “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love in Jesus Christ” (Romans 8:39).
When I was 11 years old, I fractured one of my arms while playing soccer with my friends in the village. Even though my mother was already busy with her work, she brought me on her bicycle to a local doctor. To be precise, he was a herbalist who used plants to heal wounds. Despite my fractured arm, he did not amputate it; instead, he applied medicinal treatments around it, and gradually it healed itself.
Our heavenly and loving Father is like that. Sometimes, due to our human weaknesses and frailties, we may break our relationship with him and with one another, but he does not cut us off. The Bible tells us that the chosen of God repeatedly broke their covenants with God, yet God did not abandon them because he is faithful to his love. St. John reminds us that God sent his Son into the world not to condemn the world, but to save it (3:16-18).
Finally, when we believe that we are unconditionally loved by the Creator of the universe, we are emboldened to step out in faith, knowing that we are supported by a love that is greater than any fear we may face. “God loves you. … Never doubt this, whatever may happen to you in life. At every moment, you are infinitely loved.”
Fr. Tien Cao